General Repositories and Reference
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
The single largest data archive in the United
States for political sciecne data, housed at the University of
Richard Tucker’s Political Science Data Resources
This site provides a wealth of links to publication
related data used in all the sub-fields of the political science.
Hensel’s Data Resources
A collection of data resources primarily related
to the study of international relations.
This site is a one-stop resource for cross-country
political, economic, and demographic data sets. It is designed
so that one can retrieve all or part of pre-existing datasets,
and also combine variables from multiple sources.
EUGene Home Page
EUGene serves as a data management tool for
creating data sets for use in the quantitative analysis of international
relations; with the country-year, directed-dyad-year, non-directed-dyad-year,
and directed-dispute-dyad-year as the unit of analysis.
Specific Projects
Correlates of War Project
Singer, J. David, and Melvin Small. CORRELATES
through 1992)
Polity IV Project
Jaggers, Keith and Ted Robert Gurr. 2000. POLITY IV: Regime Change
and Political Authority, 1800-1999. An ongoing project to measure
polity characteristics for just about every country in the international
Democracy, Interdependence, International Organizations and Peace
Data related to the relationship between economic
interdependence and international conflict.
Intranational Political Interactions Project
This scaled events data can be used to calculate
the volume and intensity of political conflict and cooperation
within the domestic polity. IPI gives scholars the ability to
track interactions among social groups and between the state and
social groups.
International Crisis Behavior Project
The project contains systematic data about more
than 400 crises, thirty-one protracted conflicts and almost 900
state participants.
United Nations Affinity Data Project
This data capture the similarity of foreign
policy positions based on votes and resolutions by recorded
or roll-call vote at the UN General Assembly (between 1946 and
Taxonomy of Violent Conflict
This project is the assembly of a dataset of
all recorded violent conflicts in the world since 1400 AD in
which more than 32 people were killed. On 28 October 1999 the
dataset contained 3,213 violent conflicts.
The Issue Correlates of War
Unrelated to the Correlates of War at the University
of Michigan, ICOW collects a variety of data in different sets
concerning international organization membership, explicit claims
involving cross-border freshwater resources such as rivers or
lakes, maritime claims, focusing on explicit claims involving
fishing rights, exclusive economic zones, and similar topics,
regime-based claims, and a variety of other issues.
Militarized Interstate Disputes Data
Daniel M. Jones, Stuart A. Bremer and J. David
Singer (1996) ."Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1816-1992:
Rationale, Coding Rules, and Empirical Patterns." Conflict Management
and Peace Science, 15(2): 163:213. This project compiles data
on conflicts short of war that involve threats, overt displays,
and uses of force. The paper cited above explains the data and
coding procedures.
Kansas Event Data System (KEDS)
The Kansas Event Data System uses automated
coding of English-language news reports to generate political
event data.
International Trade Data
Kathy Barbieri’s International Trade data contains
both total trade and bilateral trade data for COW states from
Penn World Tables
A variety of economic time series of use to researchers in a host
of areas. The Penn World Tables currently comprise data for 152
countries and 29 subjects.
General Data Search Engines
Web Data Search Engine
Includes assorted links to political data
from commercial, publicly archived, and government sources.
Worldwide Social Science Data Archives
Links a host of national data archives
and other sources together in one interactive map.